About Me

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I am 25, married to Colin since Sept 22, 2007 and I spend my time taking care of our beautiful little girl Aubrey. We also have a "puppy" Iggy who is a great big brother to Aubrey. I enjoy reading, watching the food network, making cards and my new interest is taking pictures.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Welcome to our blog

Well, here goes the blogging..... as I figured that everyone would like updates on Aubrey and what she has been doing, this seemed like the perfect place. So the following is what she has been up to the past few days:

Usually we sit Aubrey up on the floor and she watches TV with us or plays with her crinkle book or falls backwards and lays there. But lately I have been noticing she leans to the right.... and today I found out why.... she is interested in the tag. Who knew that a tag could be so interesting... but apparently to Aubrey it is.

Anyways, Colin took Aubrey for her first ride on the lawn mower the other day. And while I ran to grab the camera, he took her on a few spins around the gazebo. The noise didn't seem to bother her at all.

For the past week or so Aubrey has been getting rice cereal before bed; which now helps her to sleep through the night again! YEAH for me! So tonight I got her cereal ready and fed it to her, and as she is sitting in her bumbo chair, she leans forward and keeps bumping her mouth, chin, cheeks into the spoon, of course getting cereal everywhere. And then she see her bib, and everything that was on her face, now on the bib and it keeps getting transferred. It was so adorable!

Aubrey and her toes!

And I just have to add this picture of Aubrey in her Tutu from last weekend. What a little sweetie! Lindsay took this picture and I just love the look on her face.

Well thats it for now. See you soon, hope you enjoy the pictures and updates of us!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited you have a blog! Can I add you to my list on mine?
